more than much

more than much

into this world we're born -

craving affection -

warm caress,

open arms,


and as we walk along life's journey

we search for that - connection -

eyes that meet,

glance shared,

confirmation of mutual admiration...

yet -

it seems -

that if that touch,

that - embrace -

falls outside the paradigms of social acceptance -

we push away,

close doors,


why is it -

my friend -

my feelings invade your - right?

my need exceeds your - allowed?

i have only everything to give to you -

sunlight on a cloudy day -

care more than all of life's unconcern -

and love -

pure as fire,

real as touch.

i only want to be that which you need -

all of want -

more than much!


when you wish upon a (fallen) star…


agenda of assume