relentless donkeys feasting on platitudes of presume...

might as well throw one more log on the fire before i move on. i'm starting to think that at some point my social media feed will be as thinned out as my hair. i simply cannot sign on and scroll looking for something positive - something meaningful - something with any semblance of decorum. so many posts splattered on walls of suppose before taking a moment check for credibility or taste. i used to spend time countering the ignorance with facts and links to truth but it seems the closer to Nov. 3rd, the more insane the allegations. i've even refrained from adding new content to this venue as the congress of armchair warriors tend to pick and choose which phrase taken out of context can serve as foundation for their self-assuming piety and platitudes of presume. thank God there is option of unfollow and for those that refuse to corral their irrelevant donkeys, unfriend.

and apropos of pick and choose -
... see below.


Monday, October 16, 2017

the irrelevance of (your) opinion.

and some days, we simply do not own enough - give - for the owners of the take. no matter the persuasion of our plea, the words remain hollow. what then becomes of our empty reservoir of care? what do we use to fill the absence of relevance? perhaps the time will come when matter shares accommodation once again with our us.
 just maybe, this drought of disconnect is merely intermission - prelude to season of reaffirmation.
while painful - lessons learned; books of inappropriately penned letters of (mis-)perceived character - convince us to guard our hearts - retain ownership of our compassion.
irrelevant - suggestion of misconstrued. while respectful of your right to disengage, there is no contract signed requiring allegiance to your opinion. at the end of the day, grateful am i, for the ability to lay down my shield - content to sleep unencumbered - UN-tethered to walls of ignorant supposition...

epitaphs of discontent

we wear our coats of like.
dust off our eager shoes -
step into the arena of ego.
impatiently aware of how we look in the mirror of our suppose.

with disregard for others want,
we impose our need-to-be.
consideration -
program from the pageant of youth -
thrown out the window.

how quickly we become -
companion to indifference.
no compromise.
no regret.
determined to win the race -
regardless the casualties.

and even now -
with sunset inviting darkness,
we light one more candle.
no time for rest.
insatiable -
our appetite for admiration.

just one more round of applause.
one more like -
clicked on sad page of immaterial.
and recklessly -
with impetuous abandon -
we (without knowing) write epitaphs of discontent -
chiseled in stone (alone).

our un-intention -
our demise.
and from this dreamless sleep,
no waking...

standing too close to the edge: relentless donkeys feasting on platitudes of presu...


standing too close to the edge: caveat of deception.