of hollow (attention deficit) men and kings without crowns

 clowns to the left of me -

and this is what happens when children are left to their own devices - chaos!
somehow i feel 2021 is standing just off center stage - whispering in the ear of 2020 - here, hold my beer. if the first few weeks are any indication of what is in store for the remainder i'm truly not amused.

This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper...

Now they know how many holes it takes to fill the Albert Hall

I'd love to turn you on...


just about now

and just about now,
while the stars shine and the moon is slightly less than full,
we wage wars against ourselves.
in this moment, instead of holding hands, we throw sparks -
rekindle flames -
ignite with fear the fires of discontent.
what will it accomplish?
this war of indifference?
if in the end -
when the smoke finally clears -
we find all we've conquered -
is good; all that remains -
draped in darkness -
sad shroud of victory worn by kings without crowns -
left only to reign over the grave of morality.
and so it goes...
and just about now,
we boast and brag of conquests made in the name of jurisprudence -
encroach upon the boundaries of right and wrong -
yet fail to comprehend the majesty of benevolence.
and just about - now -
while making plans to ostracize God from our concept of creation -
we fail to realize the structure of our once great society is falling down -
thin walls of faith,
collapsing in upon themselves,
weakened -
by the senseless acts -
inhumanity of man -
and just about now -
the reality of our demise is heard -
not in the roar of mighty storms -
but subtle as the exit of day -
more personal than a whisper of consolation,
from the very lips of death...
(and now i lay me down to sleep ,
i pray the Lord,
my soul...)


Revelation (17:4) of disgrace - insensible Donkeys, and Patriots fueled by Grapes of Wrath...


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