illegitimate dictators in courtrooms of presume...

Superbowl Sunday. yay!
who's playing?
has been a minute since i had any free time to post. so much i could say about our current state of affairs. what saddens me the most is the ignorance that is paying tribute to supposed affirmations of liberation. anyone other than the person you despise, even if you haven't checked the credentials of the person you support. what are we leaving to our legacy? it terrifies me to think of the world we are allowing to develop that one day will fall on the shoulders of our grandchildren. 
oh well...
the only true sanity i can find is in the knowing my Supreme Commander has not nor will ever change. not elected. no process of tenure. and one day, just when everyone thinks the battle lost, the end inevitable, a brand new beginning will emerge.
therein lies my peace.
wherever you are today i wish for you peace and prosperity. if you woke up free and breathing then that should begin your process of reciprocated gratitude. there are those that first light illuminated the sad reality of bars and barbed wire. careful with accusations of judgement. i don't think you own authority to preside over courtrooms of presume...

Hebrews 13:3—Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering

this process; aging

i remember being much too young to understand death.
i could not wrap my head around the concept of being no more.
how liberating -
this aging. 
lessened futile grips on articles of supposed to be. 
time spent - 
instead -
on could and can and perhaps.

each day we wake there is option -
to speak with inflection of amazing - 
or muffled moans of not so good. 

you may just find the freedom imagined can actually come to be. 
that is, 
of course, 
if you make the effort to become the person,
in others, 
you want to see...

for i carry you in my heart...


upon the shore of my expectation...