realizing the value of give...

 i never realized how deep the space between have, and have not. i suppose always having - for the most part - enough, i was unaware of the disparage heaped upon those that have very little. perhaps the only positive take-away from the hyperbole of COVID is the manifestation of accountability - realizing the value of give. for some of us, the lesson was not so much a lesson but more validation of the irrelevance of excess. how blessed to walk through this storm of life with conviction intact. to own more and yet be aware of those with less is undoubtedly the greatest sin...

some days, just the gatekeeper to an empty lot...

this piece for you - 
the abandoned one.
solitary confinement, 
it seems, 
in a world of (not always) smiling faces.

for the you that wishes to be he, 

or she, 
or really any of the they. 
for just one minute of any given day,
to understand feel - 
as much as the absence of touch.

this piece for you - 

owner of less than (it seems) enough.
shepherd without cause -
gatekeeper to an empty lot.

how often,

in life, 
do we pass each other on the street -
share paths -
travel in the same direction -
yet unaware the other exists?

today i saw a homeless man,

and after the initial wave of sadness left,
i found myself wondering if just maybe it was his choice?
while hard to imagine -
life devoid of the accoutrements we deem mandatory for contentment, 
maybe it was his way of avoiding the pain of indifference.

just maybe he chose to be lost -

less painful,
than merely being -


it's ok - the letting go ...


some things more important than become...