it's ok - the letting go ...
no sorrow today for the letting go.
no sadness for the journey ended.
to hold on to the pain in your passing would discount the blessing in your healing.
Godspeed on your journey home my friend.
until we meet again...
and standing there...
(for Jamie)
and standing there -
on that great shore -
i watched you wave goodbye...
no words.
no sound dare interrupt
the reverence of that moment.
earth - touched sky.
winds ceased.
all creation - still...
i imagine that you thought
of summer,
when still a child.
the innocence of life before the knowing.
and possibly,
fond memories shared with family,
with friends.
and standing there -
on that great shore-
i saw your bright eyes shining.
effervescence - in your smile.
no sorrow - no fear -
no wonder,
in your going -
and standing there -
on that great shore -
as oh so gentle - the sun kissed the sea,
you were gone.
knowing that today,
i cannot follow -
i wrap your memory in my heart.
hold tightly to my thoughts.
until again -
on that great shore -
you wave once more,
and i too - travel home...