an overall general lack of confidence - perception by virtue of presume...
not so much from lack of comprehension -
perhaps the fear of consequence - assumption of presume...
Saturday, December 17, 2016
just days away from another Christmas. how quickly time flies. wishing to embrace a moment of time with a friend, i stopped by my favorite resting place - found you here waiting...
comfortable - the familiarity of home - embrace of family - face-time with a friend. and there, juxtaposed between joy and sorrow, the true meaning of why we travel on this journey. regardless the presence of a trusted companion or the absence of - we have no option but to keep moving. perhaps the promise of peace - the desire for completion - pushes us along. for whatever reason, i enjoy the possibility of traveling with you. if, by chance, we find separation before reaching that final destination, please wait for me there. and if, i find myself there before you arrive, rest assured, i will hold the door ajar.
awesome, don't you think, this fascinating experience called life. find comfort in the moment my friend. before you realize, another day will be done. another sun - set...