the dilemma of seasons much too short and other pain - you already know...

sometimes the words evasive -
sometimes the words painful -
and sometimes,

the words spoken before their time to be heard...

{find below excerpts from disclosures: you already know...}


Tuesday, July 31, 2018

shepherd without a cause.

not all days can be defined by elegant composition.
sometimes - silence speaks more to abandon - than merely the absence of words...

                                  some days, just the gate-keeper to an empty lot...

this piece for you - the abandoned one.
solitary confinement, it seems, in a world of (not always) smiling faces. for the you that wishes to be he, or she, or really any of the they. for just one minute of any given day, to understand feel - as much as the absence of touch.
this piece for you - owner of less than (it seems) enough.
shepherd without cause -
gate-keeper to an empty lot.
how often, in life, do we pass each other on the street -
share paths -
travel in the same direction -
yet unaware the other exists?
today i saw a homeless man and after the initial wave of sadness left, i found myself wondering if just maybe it was his choice? while hard to imagine life devoid of the accoutrements we deem mandatory for contentment, maybe it was his way of avoiding the pain of indifference.
just maybe he chose to be lost -
less painful,
than merely being - forgotten...


Monday, November 23, 2015

helping a friend along the way and other (necessary) distractions...

what a fragile society we have become. bigotry and hate the new fashion. i find my thoughts so often abandoning the train - walking me back through time to a yesterday filled with so much less chaos. had i known then just how intense merely living would be now, i may have chosen a less cumbersome path. i wonder, as i write these words, how they sound when you read them. only knowing one point of view in regards to their inception, i truly cannot speak to their effect. whatever the circumstance you currently find  yourself attached to, please know; this too shall pass! life is such an amazing adventure. nowhere is there an owner's manual nor ironclad warranty. with each of us having the same connection to creation. how can any one of us argue the experience of salvation, other than our own? realizing the enormity of my reality, i constantly remind myself just how different we all are...
after a week of rather maddening attachment to the struggle of a dear friend, i find myself once again alone with my thoughts. alone? is there such a thing? if we truly believe what we profess, then we are never actually alone. i know; another story for another post...
if you haven't thought about it, we just ended week 47 of this year. in 5 weeks we will find ourselves saying goodbye to 2015. well, that is collectively speaking, as some of us may find our last day has already arrived. regardless your situation, your expectation, i pray for you peace.
for my friend that can't seem to catch a break, this post... while you may think yourself so close to defeat that you just want to give up, rest assured... the valor and dignity that you have shown in the midst of your struggle has become your armor. you can't see it now, in the darkness of your night, but there is this most amazing light that shines from you. please don't allow it to dim just because you don't see it. there truly are too many others counting on it to help them find their way...

more than necessary

i enjoy you -
as much as great,
as deep as sky...

i drink you in,
submerge myself
in your smile -
lose my way,
in the deepness of your eyes!

time stands still,
when i'm with you -
reality redefined -
you speak my name,
and worlds collide...

how can i sleep,
dare close my eyes and find you gone when waking?
this fragile heart would surely break
if suddenly alone,

without  you,
i would simply cease to be...

greater than want,
you are,
so much more than necessary!

standing too close to the edge: on finding myself alive...


an overall general lack of confidence - perception by virtue of presume...